
Benefits of Group Work

People often ask me why would a client choose group work?  I love this question because there are so many great reasons!

#1: It’s effective

First, many studies have proven that group therapy is as effective as individual therapy in working on a variety of issues.  And, group therapy is often more effective in treating issues that are primarily related to relationships, which are a huge percentage of what brings people to therapy. 

#2: It’s more like “real life”

Individual therapy is powerful, yet, it is in some ways a one-sided relationship.  The therapist hangs on the client’s every word, has no needs and is totally dedicated to the individual and their healing process.  In group, members interact with other members who are also struggling in their lives.  They have to negotiate needs and the “give and take” inherent in intimate relationships.  While this can be challenging, it is also the same challenges clients  face in their outside lives.  Group gives clients a chance to “practice” with lots of support, so they will be more likely to be successful in navigating these challenges outside of the group room. 

#3: It teaches you how to have healthy relationships!

Ultimately, we can’t control much of what happens to us in life but I have seen countless times that the people who cope most effectively are those that have strong connections and supports while navigating difficulties.   However, often the struggles we face can lead us to distance from others or create behavior patterns that push others away and leave us feeling alone.  We know that loneliness is a serious issue of our times.  Two in five Americans report that they sometimes or always feel their social relationships are not meaningful, and one in five say they feel lonely or socially isolated. This lack of connection can have life threatening consequences.  Many people have never been taught the skills required to have meaningful, connected relationships.  In group work, this way of relating is taught and practiced so members can begin to transform the way they relate to people in the group and ultimately in their lives.

#4: It helps you realize that you are not alone!

Universality is the recognition that others share similar feelings, thoughts, and problems.  People often come to group feeling like they are the only one in the world who struggles with confidence, relationship issues, depression or anxiety.  Once other members begin sharing similar thoughts and feelings, members experience a great relief.  Especially in these days of curated photographs on social media, it can be a great relief to learn that most people are not always “living their best life” as their social media presence would suggest.  Members begin to feel more deeply connected to one another and experience a sense of “belonging” when they realize that their struggles are not all that unique and that at our core, we are much more similar than different. 

#5: It instills hope!

Because of the diversity in members and the issues some are working through, group members are at various stages in their healing process.  It can be really encouraging to see another member who has made significant changes or is experiencing relief because of the work they have been doing in group.  This awareness can help members who are still deep in their struggle to see that there is hope for things to change and there are models of REAL PEOPLE who are experiencing results.

#6: It creates deep connection and intimacy!

Most people yearn to be really seen and known (although we typically also fear it).  If a group is facilitated well, members experience a sense of connection and intimacy that many have never experienced in their lives.  This experience in and of itself can resolve many presenting concerns and help people make significant changes in their lives because of the self acceptance that comes from this type of connection. Once members experience this kind of intimacy, they have more tools to create it in their lives. 

#7: It connects us across differences!

In group work, people may encounter others who are very different from themselves.  In our lives, we often choose to engage with others who have very similar beliefs and life experiences as our own.  Group work gives us an opportunity to connect deeply with people we may have never had the opportunity to know.  This type of connection can have powerful effects on our world view and our awareness of ourselves.  Members begin to connect on their shared humanity while also honoring and celebrating the unique differences among them. 

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