
Incorporating Ritual Into Groups

As a psychotherapist in private practice, I spend my days talking to people about the most intimate aspects of their lives.  In our initial meeting. I will often ask new clients about their religious or spiritual lives.  Many answer that they no longer participate in organized religion but do consider themselves spiritual and believe in … Read more

Holding Space vs. Skilled Facilitation

There is a dangerous myth in the healing/therapy world.  It goes like this…“all you need to know is how to ‘hold space’ and you can facilitate an amazing group.” Let’s start by defining what “holding space” means. Holding space is the practice of being with someone without judgment.  To just be there with your full heart … Read more

Terrified of Facilitating Groups? It’s Not Your Fault!

Group therapy has been given the short end of the stick by graduate programs and agencies across the country.  It is perplexing because group therapy has been shown in numerous studies to be as effective or more effective than individual therapy, more cost-effective for clients and quite lucrative for clinicians and agencies.  Despite these benefits, … Read more

Common Myths of Group Work

#1: Clients will be coerced to share more than they are comfortable with quickly There is a common myth that clients will have to disclose their deep, dark secrets in the first session.  In well-facilitated groups, clients are actually discouraged from sharing too much too quickly.  In healthy relationships, boundaries are essential.  Since group work … Read more

Benefits of Group Work

People often ask me why would a client choose group work?  I love this question because there are so many great reasons! #1: It’s effective First, many studies have proven that group therapy is as effective as individual therapy in working on a variety of issues.  And, group therapy is often more effective in treating … Read more